It also doesn't help that the MK9 Modding scene has died down, so people that had a know how on how to do it probably lost interest. It's just that you basically have to convert ALL the files, and that would be very very time consuming considering how many lines a person would have to translate, especially if it is just one individual. Mortal Kombat 9 Revised is a visual overhaul mod that aims to give each character in MK9 a unique redesign and upgrade, highlighting character personalities. Also adds a modified MKKE.exe that allows to play on stages Pit. It's not that it is impossible to convert, or people have no idea how to do it. This mod adds 4 playable characters and 12 costumes for Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition. But as it stands, no one has converted the files to Little Endian. He's simply hiding somewhere within the code. Then that Portrait Package would serve some use and could be used to install Kratos and make him playable. Is Kratos coded in the PC version So guys, It shows that Kratos is not in the game but what if a modder / hacker figured out a way to get him in the game. Mortal Kombat 9 Revised is a visual overhaul mod that aims to give each character in MK9 a unique redesign and upgrade, highlighting character personalities and adding a more realistic style.

Technically, if the PS3 Kratos files were converted (Big Endian) to what the packaged PC files use (Little Endian). Basically it just shows you how to have Kratos show up in the character select screen. I'll admit I haven't tried installing these yet, but that 'Kratos Portrait Package' has been around for awhile. I'm going to assume something got lost in the translation, but I don't think this is playable.